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  • delayed concussion symptoms

Delayed Concussion Symptoms

By |2024-07-25T08:36:59-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

7 Common Delayed Concussion Symptoms Concussions can cause a variety of symptoms over various timelines. The immediate symptoms of fatigue, decreased mental function, and pain appear over the first few days of recovery. Other ...

  • concussion vertigo

Concussion Vertigo: Causes and Treatments

By |2024-07-22T06:56:39-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Understanding Concussion Vertigo: Causes and Treatment Options Concussions come with symptoms that can show up immediately or gradually over time. Perhaps the most uncomfortable of all post-concussion symptoms is vertigo. Vertigo is a sensation ...

  • Left Side of Neck Hurts

Left Side of Neck Hurts

By |2024-07-16T09:52:11-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

When the Left Side of Your Neck Hurts: Causes, Treatments, and Management Strategies The left side of my neck hurts. Why does it hurt, and what can I do about it? This article addresses ...

  • Can Stress Cause Vertigo?

Can Stress Cause Vertigo?

By |2024-07-15T10:25:51-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Can Stress Cause Vertigo? Demystifying the Connection Between Stress and Dizziness Vertigo is an uncomfortable sensation that makes you feel like you're spinning—or like the world is spinning around you. It's not just unsettling; ...

  • Why is my scalp tender in one spot?

Why is My Scalp Tender in One Spot?

By |2024-07-12T13:14:58-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Why Is My Scalp Tender in One Spot? Understanding Localized Scalp Sensitivity If you've ever experienced localized scalp pain, you know it can be annoying and painful. Although it's usually not life-threatening, there are ...

  • Headache and Nausea

Headache and Nausea

By |2024-07-11T10:30:00-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Headache and Nausea: Why Do They Happen Together? Headaches and nausea are hard to manage individually. When they happen together, it affects nearly every aspect of life. But why do they commonly occur together, ...

  • concussion self care

Concussion Self Care

By |2024-07-09T13:31:55-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Concussion Self-Care: Your Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Recovery   Experiencing a concussion is a significant event that requires careful, proactive management. Each year, millions of people encounter concussions of varying severity, and how they ...

  • Do i have a concussion quiz

Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion?

By |2024-07-02T12:42:43-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Do I Have A Concussion? An Interactive Quiz Finding the Right Care If you suspect you've recently sustained a concussion, you're in the right place. This article will outline some common concussion symptoms and ...

  • Concussion Test

Finding Elite Concussion Testing

By |2024-06-27T14:10:12-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

What To Look For in a Comprehensive Concussion Test Concussions are complex and often require a multifaceted approach for accurate diagnosis and effective management. Healthcare professionals use various forms of concussion testing, and ...

  • Jaw pain and headaches

Jaw Pain and Headaches

By |2024-06-25T16:49:27-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Jaw Pain and Headache: Understanding the Connection and Seeking Relief Jaw pain and headaches commonly present together and can significantly impact wellbeing. Many people may not realize these two symptoms are connected, as they ...

  • Severe Migraine Attack

Is a Migraine Life Threatening?

By |2024-06-24T16:13:09-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Is Migraine Life Threatening? Exploring the Severity of Migraine Attacks If you suffer from migraine attacks, you're likely familiar with severe pain, sensitivity to light, and other symptoms. When you're in the heat of ...

  • Drinking alcohol with a concussion

Alcohol and Concussion

By |2024-06-24T12:46:39-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Alcohol and Concussion: Understanding the Implications and Risks Concussions and alcohol consumption have a significant relationship when it comes to recovery. While the short-term relief may seem worth the risk, there is ample evidence ...

  • Is a sinus infection contagious?

Are Sinus Infections Contagious?

By |2024-06-22T21:27:46-05:00|Categories: Headache, Uncategorized|

Are Sinus Infections Contagious? Clearing the Air Few things are worse than enjoying a beautiful, sunny day and suddenly feeling a building pressure deep in your face, immediately followed by pain and congestion. The ...

  • Picture of woman waking up dizzy

Waking Up Dizzy: Causes and Treatments

By |2024-06-21T09:23:04-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Waking Up Dizzy: Causes, Prevention, & Treatment Strategies Starting your day with dizzy or light-headed can disrupt your routine and impact your overall well-being. Frankly, it's a terrible way to start any day. This ...

  • Stages of concussion

6 Stages of Concussion Recovery

By |2024-07-18T10:28:50-05:00|Categories: Concussion|

The 6 Stages of Concussion Recovery Concussions come in all shapes and sizes, but the recovery generally follows a specific series of stages. Each comes with its challenges and best practices to ensure a ...

  • Brainstem injury

Brainstem Injury

By |2024-06-19T14:56:53-05:00|Categories: Concussion, Uncategorized|

Brainstem Injury: Understanding Levels of Injury and Therapeutic Approaches Concussions often affect the outer tissue called the "cortex." It's the part most of us associate with "the brain." However, when the injury involves twisting ...

  • post concussion fatigue

Do Concussions Make You Tired?

By |2024-06-19T15:04:01-05:00|Categories: Auto Accident, Concussion|

Do Concussions Make You Tired? Exploring Post-Concussion Fatigue Experiencing fatigue or feeling tired after a concussion is a common concern during the recovery process. While most people associate concussions with symptoms like headaches and ...

  • Diarrhea after concussion

Diarrhea After Concussion

By |2024-06-17T17:19:03-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Understanding and Managing Diarrhea After Concussion: A Comprehensive Guide Experiencing symptoms such as diarrhea after a concussion can be unsettling and worrisome. While most people associate concussions with head-related symptoms, it's essential to be ...

  • Sinus infection causing dizziness

Can a Sinus Infection Cause Dizziness?

By |2024-07-01T07:56:07-05:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, are common respiratory conditions that can result from a wide range of causes. However, do sinus infections worsen the symptoms of dizziness for people predisposed to dizziness? This comprehensive piece ...

  • POTS

Understanding POTS – A Guide for Patients

By |2024-06-05T13:57:23-05:00|Categories: POTS|

Understanding POTS is the first step toward finding adequate treatment and symptomatic relief. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, also known as POTS, is a condition that commonly affects the central and autonomic nervous system (ANS), ...

  • Concussion, help

Concussion Help – Why You’re Not Alone

By |2024-01-05T08:46:40-06:00|Categories: Concussion|

Concussion help isn't always straightforward or apparent from the outset. It can be frustrating, disheartening, and overwhelming. This article should help shed light on how to find concussion help when you need it the ...

  • Concussion Prevention

Tips for Concussion Prevention

By |2024-06-05T09:25:40-05:00|Categories: Concussion, Health|

Tips For Concussion Prevention Concussions and other traumatic brain injuries are often unavoidable. But tips for concussion prevention should be used at all costs. It’s an unfortunate reality that slips, falls, hits while playing ...

  • Concussion Recovery

Tips for Concussion Recovery

By |2024-06-05T09:26:08-05:00|Categories: Concussion|

Tips for Concussion Recovery Concussion recovery can be challenging to navigate. Concussions and other traumatic head injuries are typically caused by car accidents, falls, and sports injuries. Did you know that a brain injury ...

  • Brain Health

Brain Health and Vitamin D

By |2022-08-14T05:34:17-05:00|Categories: Health, Nutrition|

Many things can dictate brain health, but Vitamin D plays a significant role in this equation. The brain and body operate in mysterious ways. But there are simple and easy solutions for optimizing our ...