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The Neural Connection2024-07-15T15:01:52-05:00
The neural connection concussion dizziness migraine
Image of the brain representing concussion

At The Neural Connection, we are dedicated to identifying the underlying causes of your concussion. We skillfully managing symptoms, and ensuring long-lasting relief. Moreover, our approach strongly emphasizes empowering you to take charge of your health. Ultimately, this will enable you to maintain control over your concussion symptoms well beyond the conclusion of your treatment with us. By bridging the gaps in traditional concussion management, we present an innovative strategy that offers a comprehensive solution for effective healing.

Image of the body representing migraine and its effect on the body
Coping with migraines can be tough because it’s more than just a regular headache. Migraines are a complicated brain condition that needs thorough treatment. So, it’s important to take a well-rounded approach to manage them. This means dealing with the main causes of your attacks instead of just hiding the pain. By understanding all the factors that contribute to migraines, we can work together to find long-lasting relief and improve your quality of life.
Image of a checklist and food representing the factors contributing to dizziness
The way we help with feeling dizzy, especially after a concussion, has gotten much better and more personalized. Thus, we don’t use old-fashioned methods like putting cold water in the ear to make you dizzy to figure out balance problems anymore. Now, with better tests and rehab programs, we can help with post-concussion dizziness without as many difficulties. This means you can look forward to a more comforting and personalized recovery process that deals with your unique balance needs.

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Our Mission

Compassionate Concussion Care

At The Neural Connection, we dedicate ourselves to providing relief for individuals experiencing the persistent effects of a concussion, as well as the debilitating pain of migraines and other challenging symptoms.

We firmly believe that everyone deserves empathy, understanding, and respect. Not judgment or dismissal. Additionally, we commit to uncovering the underlying causes of your condition, managing symptoms effectively, and delivering lasting relief. Thus, our approach revolves around empowering you to take control of your health and maintain command over your symptoms. When done right, lasts beyond completing your treatment with us.

Trusted Neurologic Experts

Our primary objective is to nurture a therapeutic relationship based on trust, responsibility, and a shared dedication to achieving symptom relief and recovery. If you are ready to commence your healing journey, our team of attentive professionals is prepared to support you every step of the way. We listen keenly and act as caring advocates, eager to address your concerns.

To take the first step towards finding relief from concussion and migraine pain, click here to arrange a consultation with one of our doctors.

If you’re unsure whether you need immediate medical attention, click here for more information.

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“The Top 3 Reasons Why You Still Have Post-Concussion Symptoms”

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