Brain Health and Vitamin D

Brain Health

Many things can dictate brain health, but Vitamin D plays a significant role in this equation.

The brain and body operate in mysterious ways. But there are simple and easy solutions for optimizing our health and happiness by using Vitamin D. 

Our brains and bodies haven’t changed in thousands of years, with the latest estimates suggesting that our brains haven’t changed in roughly 40,000 years. Some studies suggest our brains have shrunk by 10% over this time! 

How is this possible? And what does it mean for those of us living during these unprecedented times? It looks like we need to get back to the basics to understand how our brain and body genuinely work. 

Your brain and body are composed of trillions of cells (3.72 x 10^13, to be exact) that are continually changing and replaced by new ones. While some cells may get replaced daily, others take years to turn over. Heart cells and neurons rarely, if ever, turn over to become replaced. 

So what are the significant factors that determine cellular growth and repair? Damage to our cell’s DNA, disease longevity, and genetic makeup can all play a significant role in healing. Mainly because inflammation heavily influences these factors.

The biggest culprit of poor health in our society is trauma and chronic inflammation, but luckily for us, Vitamin D is a master controller of these processes. 

Brain Health & Inflammation – Vitamin D is Anti-Inflammatory

Vitamin D deficiencies are estimated to affect 50% of the human population worldwide. Yet, most people only associate Vitamin D with sunshine and bone health. This coveted hormone’s effects span the brain and body by controlling inflammation and immune function regulation.

Brain injuries and concussions create a massive neuro-inflammatory cascade throughout the body and central nervous system. Trauma causes an increase in pro-inflammatory mediators, alters mitochondrial function, and triggers adverse structural changes to the brain’s neural networks.

We can also see structural changes in the neck and spine, further complicating a patient’s presentation and overall prognosis. 

Vitamin D is pivotal in regulating inflammation following traumatic events and our general health. This makes it even more essential to ensure adequate Vitamin D supplementation and use following these types of injuries. 

Supplementing Vitamin D in Aging Populations

Our ability to synthesize Vitamin D via the skin decreases as we age. This leaves us vulnerable to bone loss and fighting off infections. Vitamin D supplements are readily available and easy to administer to increase our blood and cellular levels. 

Vitamin D replacement therapy is one of the most common treatments for the elderly for the reasons listed above. It’s also one of the most accessible supplements to purchase at the store or online, making it an easy solution to the aging population’s everyday problems.

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) ranges from 400-800 IU’s depending on your age, overall health status, and country in which you live. 

The RDA is the minimum amount of vitamin your body needs to prevent and avoid disease. Most providers will use varying levels of these supplements to get Vitamin D levels back into the healthy range. 

Curious to see how much you should be taking? Providers can evaluate Vitamin D levels with simple blood tests since it’s a fat-soluble vitamin. Most doctor’s offices can run these tests at an affordable rate. And we can continue monitoring your Vitamin D levels over time with repeated tests.

At The Neural Connection, we focus on dosing you based on your blood testing. We’ve found this to be the most accurate way to help our patients increase their levels and overall function. 

Remember that not all supplements are created equally, so be on the lookout for ones with a GMP label and are third-party tested. We’re keen on this! 

Get Your Vitamin D for Proper Brain Health!

As you can see, Vitamin D does a lot more than maintain bone health. It is a significant driver of immune function and controlling inflammation. And if you’re focusing on improving your brain health, this vitamin is essential. Luckily, it’s readily available for you!

If you’re curious to read more about Vitamin D, check out all of the references in this article. They all point to peer-review published literature on Vitamin D. 

Now get out and get your daily dose of Vitamin D! 

At The Neural Connection, we pride ourselves in being world-leaders in the functional neurology and brain-based rehabilitation sector. Check out our 88+ 5-Star Google Reviews to see what our patient’s say about us!

When you’re ready to chat and make sure you’re functioning at your best, we’re here for you! Just click the link below to schedule your consultation. 

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*Note: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Patients are advised to consult their medical provider or primary care physician before trying any remedies or therapies at home.