Natural Treatment for Neuropathy

Natural Treatment for Neuropathy

Natural treatment for neuropathy doesn’t have to be complex to be effective, and in most cases, it isn’t.

Neuropathy is a complex neurological condition characterized by peripheral nerve damage. It can significantly affect your daily life through symptoms like pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, primarily in the hands and feet.

If you’re one of the 20 million Americans currently affected by it, you know how difficult it can be to find help. 

While there are many mainstream therapies and treatments, they rarely get to the root cause of neuropathy. Sadly, this happens quite often, especially for those who experience underlying metabolic conditions such as Type II Diabetes, autoimmune conditions, and chronic infections. 

Many patients are turning to natural treatments for neuropathy as these methods often offer relief without the side effects associated with conventional medications, surgeries, and procedures. 

Furthermore, they address the root cause of symptoms and can significantly benefit a person’s overall health outcomes. 

What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy involves damage or dysfunction to the peripheral nerves in some form. Overt trauma, underlying metabolic issues, toxic levels of environmental compounds, and nutrient deficiencies can all cause the condition.

Symptoms can vary from tingling sensations to severe pain. They’re often accompanied by changes in balance and blood flow and generally feeling restless in nature. It commonly makes everyday activities challenging and uncomfortable, significantly affecting quality of life overall. 

Types and Causes

There are several types of neuropathy, including diabetic neuropathy, which is the most common cause. Causes can range from diabetes and vitamin deficiencies to infections and toxic exposure. Neuropathies can also result from overt trauma to an area of the body near the peripheral nerve plexus regions. 

While the types can vary, the cause is usually traumatic, metabolic, and inflammatory-based. Highly trained providers can tell the difference between these variations. The best ones will understand how to approach care to treat the root cause, not just the symptoms. 

Overview of Natural Treatments

Natural therapies have gained popularity in the last few years.  They often are able to address underlying root causes and symptoms without the harsh effects of traditional drugs. As more and more people find relief using these methods, they’re becoming more in demand due to their high success rates and impacts on a person’s overall health. 

Benefits of Choosing Natural Treatment for Neuropathy

Natural treatment for neuropathy can often reduce symptoms while also enhancing overall health. They are also less likely to lead to dependence or significant side effects like traditional methods and medications frequently result in. 

One of the biggest reasons people choose to look for natural treatment for neuropathy is a lack of improvement in traditional care. They’ve usually tried conventional methods for their symptoms, but have yet to find a solution for their problems. 

Sadly, most providers are unaware of how to adequately address underlying metabolic or nutritional deficiencies that often cause neuropathy symptoms. And it’s common for us to be the 5th, 10th, or even 20th doctor a patient has seen for their condition. 

Dietary Changes for Neuropathy

Proper nutrition is crucial in managing neuropathy, as the most common cause of neuropathy is diabetes. Even when considering this, it’s easy to try and address the symptoms of neuropathy. 

Still, the problem is that without addressing the underlying diabetes, most people will experience no change in their presentation.  

Regardless of what you may think, Type II Diabetes is entirely reversible. It can be treated and overcome by changing your diet, lifestyle, nutritional intake, physical activity, sleep habits, and the use of medications (if warranted). 

Essential Nutrients and Foods for Healing

To improve your neuropathy through dietary changes, include foods rich in B vitamins, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating fibrous fruits and vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and quality proteins like chicken and fish will give your body what it needs to repair and maintain adequate health. 

These foods and nutrients repair nerves and dampen underlying inflammation by reducing blood sugar spikes and improving insulin sensitivity. 

Choosing foods that were either alive or grown from the ground will always be foundational for a healthy diet. High amounts of fiber, good fats, and high-quality protein sources are essential to maintain metabolic health. They will also help you balance your blood sugar and lose weight, if warranted. 

While supplements can be beneficial in addressing underlying nutritional deficiencies, it is always best to get your nutrition from food. You can’t supplement your way out of a poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle.

Foods to Avoid for Neuropathy

If you’re looking for a natural treatment for neuropathy, foods are one of the easiest choices to modify to make major improvements in symptoms. 

The focus should always be on the reduction of underlying inflammation and metabolic dysfunction. Sadly, these are well-established triggers and causes of chronic symptoms, but rarely properly addressed. 

You should also focus on reducing your sugar intake and eliminating known food sensitivities like dairy and gluten. These foods can promote inflammation and potentially exacerbate your neuropathy symptoms. It’s also wise to ensure that you’re balancing your blood sugar levels, especially if you’re diabetic or even pre-diabetic. 

If you have known food allergies or a history of any auto-immune disorders, it makes sense to stay away from known foods that trigger symptoms. 

How to Fast-Track Your Natural Treatment for Neuropathy

As weird as it may seem, intermittent fasting can be one of the most beneficial ways to improve neuropathy symptoms, specifically when underlying inflammatory issues like diabetes and insulin insensitivity may be causing them. 

Fasting has been shown to significantly improve blood sugar use and increase insulin sensitivity. Studies have also demonstrated its effectiveness in helping people lose weight, eliminate and recycle old cells (called senescent cells), and optimize metabolic flexibility. 

The best part about fasting is that it won’t cost you anything (and usually saves you money). Even better, it can yield significant improvements quickly and will help you look better while also feeling better. 

Natural and Herbal Remedies as Neuropathy Treatment

Several herbs can offer relief for neuropathy pain and improve nerve function. You can use most of these natural compounds in combination with one another to achieve a synergistic effect on symptoms.

*Note: Always consult your doctor before starting any new health programs.

This list contains the compounds with the most research and data supporting their use as natural treatments for neuropathy. It is by no means extensive; it’s just a great place to start. 

Natural and Herbal Remedies

  • St. John’s WortResearch has shown promising outcomes on neuropathy in rodent and human models, once again suggesting a link between underlying inflammation and neuropathy symptoms. 
  • Turmeric/Curcuminoids – Multiple studies have documented the effectiveness of turmeric and its associated curcuminoids, with turmeric having specific benefits of improving pain and inflammation via beneficial nerve growth factors (NGF). 
  • Ginger – Data suggests ginger has beneficial effects on alleviating neuropathy pain via the gut microbiome, spinal cord, and by optimizing mitochondrial function
  • Magnesium – Lower levels of magnesium (and phosphate) correlate with higher levels of peripheral neuropathy, specifically in those with Type II Diabetes. It’s also well established that magnesium plays a significant role in pain perception overall, which is why magnesium supplementation can be so effective in managing symptoms. 
  • Capsaicin – Capsaicin from cayenne pepper can also be an effective natural pain reliever. Studies suggest it improves circulation and can reduce surgery, neuropathy, and arthritis pain.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)ALA is a potent antioxidant that helps convert blood sugar to energy. Taking it as a supplement or consuming high ALA-containing foods has been shown to reduce symptoms of peripheral neuropathy over an extended period.
  • Acupuncture – Although we may not know how it works yet, a pilot study found that 76% of participants had improved neuropathy symptoms with acupuncture. Since acupuncture carries relatively low risk, this may be low-hanging fruit for those who have tried other forms of therapy. 

Physical Therapies & Manual Techniques for Neuropathy Relief

Physical therapy and manual exercises can be excellent natural treatment for neuropathy. They can help strengthen muscles, improve mobility, and reduce pain while increasing sensation and nerve integrity. 

These techniques may include manual massages, instrument-assisted myofascial release techniques, muscular-based stretches, and other exercises to enhance muscle strength and reduce nerve pressure. In some cases, finding nerve root entrapments, aberrant movement patterns, and performing fascial-based therapies can improve mechanical nerve issues to optimize overall function. 

The Impact of Meditation and Mindfulness on Neuropathy

While meditation may be a general brain-body practice, it can have significant global impacts on your health. It’s highly effective for managing stress, pain, and the emotional factors involved in the development of pain and neuropathy. 

These gentle exercises can improve blood flow, reduce stress, and enhance overall nerve health. Mind-body practices like meditation can help manage stress and anxiety that worsen neuropathy symptoms, but it must be done simultaneously with other protocols to address underlying metabolic or immune issues. 

Natural Treatment for Neuropathy Doesn’t Have to Be Complex

Natural treatments for neuropathy offer a promising alternative to conventional methods, emphasizing overall health and well-being over temporary symptomatic relief. By incorporating these strategies into your lifestyle, you can manage symptoms effectively. Furthermore, you can improve your quality of life in multiple areas of your health. 

We encourage those suffering from neuropathy to consider these natural and holistic approaches as part of their treatment strategy. If you’ve tried all the pills, surgeries, and therapies but have yet to find relief, we would love to speak to you!

At The Neural Connection, we have assisted many people in overcoming their neuropathy issues through our 21-day and week-long neuro-intensive treatments. And our comprehensive nutritional programs further help fast-track their progress when integrated together.

Contact us today to discuss your personalized treatment options!

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*Note: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Patients are advised to consult their medical provider or primary care physician before trying any remedies or therapies at home.